Journal papers and preprints
Randomized algorithms for coupled decompositions
(with A.Carević and I. Šain Glibić)
Submitted for publication.
Convergence of the complex block Jacobi methods under the generalized serial pivot strategies
(with V. Hari)
Linear Algebra Appl. 699 (2024) 421-458.
CP decomposition and low-rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors
(with L. Periša)
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 62 (2024) 72-94.
Convergence of the Eberlein diagonalization method under the generalized serial pivot strategies
(with A. Perković)
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 60 (2024) 238-255.
Trace maximization algorithm for the approximate tensor diagonalization
(with A. Perković)
Linear Multilinear Algebra 72(3) (2024) 429-450.
Convergence of a Jacobi-type method for the approximate orthogonal tensor diagonalization
Calcolo 60, 3 (2023).
Finding the closest normal structured matrix
Linear Algebra Appl. 617 (2021) 49-77.
Hybrid CUR-type decomposition of tensors in the Tucker format
BIT Numer. Math. 62(1) (2022) 125-138.
On the convergence of complex Jacobi methods
(with V. Hari)
Linear Multilinear Algebra 69(3) (2021) 489-514.
On normal and structured matrices under unitary structure-preserving transformations
(with H. Fassbender and
P. Saltenberger)
Linear Algebra Appl. 608 (2021) 322-342.
Jacobi method for symmetric 4x4 matrices converges for every cyclic pivot strategy (with V. Hari)
Numer. Algor. 78(3) (2018) 701-720.
Convergence of the cyclic and quasi-cyclic block Jacobi methods (with V. Hari)
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 46 (2017) 107-147.
Structure-preserving low multilinear rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors (with D. Kressner)
SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl. 38(3) (2017) 967–983.
On the global convergence of the Jacobi method for symmetric matrices of order 4 under parallel strategies (with V. Hari)
Linear Algebra Appl. 524 (2017) 199-234.
On the global convergence of the Jacobi method (with V. Hari)
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16 (2016) 725-726. [journal]
Conferences and schools
September 2024, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath), Dubrovnik, Croatia
Randomized algorithms for coupled decompositions (talk)
July 2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
Convergence of the complex block Jacobi methods (talk)
May 2024, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Paris, France
Jacobi-Type Methods for Tensor Decompositions (talk)
September 2023, 10th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques (METT), Aachen, Germany
CP decomposition and low-rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors (talk)
August 2023, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Tokyo, Japan
Convergence of the Eberlein diagonalization method (talk)
June 2023, 25th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), Madrid, Spain
CP decomposition and low-rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors (talk)
May 2023, UNIC Mathematics Workshop, Zagreb, Croatia
Tensor diagonalization algorithms (talk)
July 2022, Short Communications Satellite 2022 of the International Congress of Mathematicians (online)
Convergence of a Jacobi-type method for the approximate orthogonal tensor diagonalization
September 2021, GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Potsdam, Germany
Convergence of a Jacobi-type method for the approximate orthogonal tensor diagonalization (talk)
July 2021, Applied Mathematics Workshop, Brijuni, Croatia
Jacobi-type method for the SVD-like tensor decomposition (talk)
June 2021, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Portorož, Slovenia (online)
On the convergence of the Jacobi-type method for computing orthogonal tensor decomposition (talk)
May 2021, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, New Orleans LA, USA (online)
Finding the Closest Normal Structured Matrix (talk)
September 2020, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath), Brijuni, Croatia
Hybrid CUR-type decomposition of tensors in the Tucker format (talk)
February 2020, Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium, Emory University, Atlanta GA, USA
On the convergence of complex Jacobi methods (poster)
October 2018, GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Lund, Sweden
The closest normal structured matrix (talk)
September 2018, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath), Šibenik, Croatia
The closest normal structured matrix (talk)
May 2018, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Hong Kong
Convergence of the complex cyclic Jacobi methods and applications (talk)
September 2016, 16th GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Hamburg, Germany
Structure-preserving low multilinear rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors (talk)
July 2016, 20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), Leuven, Belgium
Block Jacobi annihilators and operators (talk)
June 2016, 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, Croatia
Structure-preserving low multilinear rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors (talk)
April 2016, Hausdorff School: Low-rank Tensor Techniques, Bonn, Germany
October 2015, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Atlanta GA, USA
On the global convergence of the cyclic Jacobi methods for the symmetric matrix of order 4 (poster)
September 2015, Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques, Bologna, Italy
June 2015, CIME-EMS Summer School in applied mathematics, Cetraro, Italy
June 2014, 10th International Workshop on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems (Iwasep), Dubrovnik, Croatia
On the convergence of the cyclic and quasi-cyclic block Jacobi methods (talk)
September 2013, DAAD International School on Linear Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems, Osijek, Croatia
June 2013, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath), Šibenik, Croatia
On the convergence of the Jacobi methods under certain periodic pivot strategies (talk)
June 2012, 5th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia
February 2012, 9th Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia
Development of a mathematical model of the formation of flock activated sludge in the process of biodegradation (poster)
Seminar talks
- January 2024, Dekompozicije i aproksimacije tenzora, European Women in Mathematics Croatia
- July 2021, Hibridna CUR dekompozicija tenzora, University of Zagreb
- May 2021,
Convergence of the block Jacobi methods,
Scientific Colloquium of the Croatian Mathematical Society
- November 2019, Structure-preserving low multilinear rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors, Georgia Tech
- March 2019, Normal and structured matrices under unitary structure-preserving transformations, KTH Stockholm
- April 2018, Najbliža normalna matrica sa zadanom strukturom, University of Zagreb
- February 2018, The closest normal structured matrix, TU Braunschweig
- October 2016, Low rank tensor approximations with the emphasis on antisymmetric tensors, TU Braunschweig
- April 2016, Structure-preserving low multilinear rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors, Hausdorff School, Bonn
- March 2016, Aproksimacija antisimetričnih tenzora tenzorima nižeg ranga, University of Zagreb
- June 2015, Jacobi method on small matrices, CIME-EMS Summer School, Cetraro
- November 2014, Convergence of block Jacobi methods, EPFL
- July 2014, Konvergencija blok Jacobijevih metoda 2, University of Zagreb
- July 2014, Konvergencija blok Jacobijevih metoda 1, University of Zagreb
- January 2014, Konvergencija Jacobijevih metoda na matricama reda četiri, University of Zagreb
- January 2014, Konvergencija cikličkih Jacobijevih metoda na simetričnim matricama, University of Zagreb
- June 2013, Neke posebne cikličke strategije za Jacobijevu metodu, University of Zagreb
- May 2012, Implicitni algoritam Choleskog s pomacima, University of Zagreb
Other publications
Prednosti i mane online provjera znanja (in Croatian) Poučak 84 (2020) 40-46.
Matematičko modeliranje u osnovoškolskoj nastavi (in Croatian) MiŠ 81 (17) (2015) 17-21.
Uloga eksperimenta u matematičkom otkriću (with V. Kovač, in Croatian) Poučak 55 (2013) 4-17.